Chair Yoga Tunbridge Wells

Single session (please mention in the notes the date you plan to attend)


    Every Tuesday @12 pm-12:45 pm 

    Address: The Village Community Hall (TOC H), 37 Little Mount Sion, TN11YS

    Who is Chair yoga for?

    • People with reduced levels of fitness, strength, mobility or flexibility
    • Seniors
    • People with chronic health issues or injuries
    • Pregnant women
    • People of any age with knee, ankle, wrist, etc. issues
    • Overweight people
    • Patients recovering from surgery or chemotherapy

    Benefits of chair yoga include:

      • Improves flexibility and strength
      • Increases muscle tone, motor skills and awareness of body
      • Better concentration
      • A boost to your mood
      • Reduces stress and joint strain
      • improves sleeping patterns

    *Bring your own mat, water, cushion and an exercise strap or rope (or could be a belt from dressing gown or a tie). Chairs are provided at the hall 

    *Once you booked the session, no refunds or transfers can be offered for the booked session


    You can find more information about yoga here NHS or Chair yoga here: Chair yoga with Margarita Anderson